Thanks for putting this all in one piece. I’ve been pointing people to your threads on social media and trying to summarize what you’ve been saying about this, but it really helps to be able to share it in this format.
The Democrats have run as Republican Lite since Bill Clinton ran as Bush Lite. The problem is the Democratic Party is owned by the same wealth as the Republican Party, and the voters know it. Obama won because the previous Republican administration had trashed the global economy eight years later, but Obama saved the bankers instead of punishing them. So, Trump won eight years later with the same failed Republican economic policies that had caused the meltdown. Until the Democrats abandon their wealthy donors, they will only win when the Republican failures become too big to ignore. Biden's economy was better than Trumps was or will be, but it's a damn low bar. And sorry, abortion rights were clearly not enough. Your pitch that the Democratic message would have worked with a better medium and more hate is nonsense, it ignores the voters that stayed home. It ignores the voters that voted for Cortez and Trump. The voters want a real alternative. Unfortunately, for the Democrats, the wealthy donors do not.
Thanks for putting this all in one piece. I’ve been pointing people to your threads on social media and trying to summarize what you’ve been saying about this, but it really helps to be able to share it in this format.
The Democrats have run as Republican Lite since Bill Clinton ran as Bush Lite. The problem is the Democratic Party is owned by the same wealth as the Republican Party, and the voters know it. Obama won because the previous Republican administration had trashed the global economy eight years later, but Obama saved the bankers instead of punishing them. So, Trump won eight years later with the same failed Republican economic policies that had caused the meltdown. Until the Democrats abandon their wealthy donors, they will only win when the Republican failures become too big to ignore. Biden's economy was better than Trumps was or will be, but it's a damn low bar. And sorry, abortion rights were clearly not enough. Your pitch that the Democratic message would have worked with a better medium and more hate is nonsense, it ignores the voters that stayed home. It ignores the voters that voted for Cortez and Trump. The voters want a real alternative. Unfortunately, for the Democrats, the wealthy donors do not.